Il-logħob tiegħi

Aġġusta u kaxxi

Fit & Squezze

Logħba Aġġusta u Kaxxi onlajn
Aġġusta u kaxxi
vot: 11
Logħba Aġġusta u Kaxxi onlajn

Logħob simili

Aġġusta u kaxxi

Klassifikazzjoni: 5 (vot: 11)
Rilaxxat: 26.05.2022
Pjattaforma: Windows, Chrome OS, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS

Għaddas fid-dinja ikkulurita ta’ Fit & Squezze, a delightful puzzle game that promises hours of brain-teasing fun! Perfect for kids and puzzle enthusiasts alike, this mobile-friendly game challenges you to fill various shapes with an assortment of colorful balls. With different sizes ranging from S to XL, you’ll need to strategize your moves carefully to avoid crossing the dotted line. Think critically and plan your next steps as you navigate through increasingly complex levels. Ideal for developing logical thinking, Fit & Squezze is not just a game; huwa mod tal-logħob biex tiffoka moħħok. Ingħaqad mal-gost u skopri għaliex din il-logħba hija favorita fil-qasam tal-puzzles! Ilgħab issa b'xejn u gawdi divertiment bla tarf!